This case study highlights how the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) and Little Rock, Ark. nonprofit Our House partnered to improve the health and well-being of pregnant women and mothers of young children who have mental health issues and face homelessness or housing insecurity.
The Home Together program aligns the health care, public health, and social service systems to ensure that newborns leave the hospital for a safe, healthy, and stable home environment during the critical early years of their lives. Home Together takes a two-generation approach, targeting children and parents from the same household to create economic security that interrupts the cycle of poverty.
UAMS and Our House developed an approach to leverage, strengthen, and improve alignment between their collective existing infrastructure, knowledge, professional capacity, and other assets. The program builds upon both organizations’ records of strong community partnerships, innovation, and positive client outcomes.
Aligning Systems for Health: Health Care + Public Health + Social Services, supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and managed by the Georgia Health Policy Center, is focused on learning from stakeholders across the nation about effective ways to align these three sectors to better meet people’s goals and needs.